27 March 2014

Kijiji's Shawn McIntyre on "Pets for Sale"

Earlier this month, Kijiji announced it is charging $4.99 for all dog listings on its site. This measure is will provide Kijiji with additional information to assist in actions against illegal pet vendors. 

Shawn McIntyre is the Community Relations Manager at Kijiji. The on-line ‘buy and sell’ service was launched in MontrĂ©al and Quebec City in February 2005. It is now in more than 100 communities across the country and is ranked as Canada’s #1 online classified site. Shawn took time out of his busy schedule to speak with Infostream Guest Author TerriPerrin about Kijiji’s new program that makes people who sell dogs and puppies online more accountable.

Infostream (IS): We understand that Kijiji gets feedback – both positive and negative – relating to the sale of companion animals on line. How do you respond to it?

Shawn McIntyre (SM): Obviously, we value every piece of feedback we receive and I [personally] review 100% of the comments that come to us. Almost all of the positive changes we have made to the ‘Pets for Sale’ category have resulted from our responses to community feedback, which includes animal welfare groups across the country. We believe our connection with our communities is what has set us apart from our competitors. My family has several pets also, so we strive to be the best pet-parents we can. 

IS: What role do you think Kijiji plays in the whole ‘pets for sale’ process, relating to puppy mills and irresponsible breeders?

In a perfect world, we would have much more robust and comprehensive laws protecting animals in Canada. We do not live in this world, however. Considering the industry as a whole, I think it is EVERYONE’S responsibility to do what we can to encourage compliant breeders and shine a light on less scrupulous ones.  Kijiji wants to provide a safe channel for our users to find or re-home companion animals, so we have a responsibility to do our best to deliver on this vision. 

IS: We understand that Kijiji rolled out a new program earlier this month. Please tell us about that.

SM: We now have a fee of $4.99 to post an advertisement for Dogs and Puppies for sale.  All users, except for shelters and rescues, must pay this fee. We expect this to add an extra layer of accountability for users posting, as well as traceability, as users will need to use a valid credit card or a PayPal account to post an ad. 

IS: Are these initiatives being undertaken to remove some of the negative connotations associated with selling companion animals on line? Or is this a case of your organization simply choosing to take the proverbial ‘high road’ to set standards of excellence and responsibility and to foster community collaboration?

SM: The $4.99 fee initiative is the product of a few years of brainstorming with members of the community. We think it will cut down on impulsive posting, as well as deter any unethical users. We feel it is the right thing to do. The proceeds also allow us to better support this category, with more filters and community support staff. A portion of these proceeds will also be directly invested back into community-based animal welfare initiatives across the country. 

IS: It sounds like this really is ‘beyond the call of duty’ for your organization. What drives you and your colleagues to focus on the Pet Experience?

SM: We’ve always had a keen focus on our community of users.  Even now that the Kijiji community has grown to 15 million Canadians, we still love engaging with our users in a direct way.  Our users are especially passionate about our Pets category, so it’s only natural that we share this passion.

IS: You attended your first Summit for Urban Animal Strategies in 2008. Now, in 2014, you will give the keynote address. Congratulations! What where your initial thoughts after attending your first Summit and how does it feel to now be considered one of the industry experts?

SM: Thanks! My first personal experience with the Summit was a very positive and inspiring one. My initial thought about this industry was how ‘siloed’ it was, with so many people doing such great work in their own communities, but very little collaboration with each other. The increased collaboration and amazing work achieved in the last six years is truly staggering. I am just happy to have witnessed so many great initiatives pushed forward by incredible, passionate people.

IS: Tell us about what you will be presenting in your keynote address?

SM: I look forward to opening a discussion on how we can continue to collaborate onto the “next level”.  In an industry with so many strong proud voices, it’s easy to understand how these voices speaking simultaneously can quickly become just “noise”— especially in these times of Internet marketing and social media. Through a collaborative community, we can leverage what we already have to form one “voice” to speak for animals.  Achieving this can be easier than a lot of people think.

IS: Thank you for taking the time to collaborate with us on this interview, Shawn. And congratulations on the good work that you and the entire Kijiji team is doing to address community concerns about pets for sale. Your efforts are making a difference!

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