27 September 2015

What Effects Do Pets Have on Human Health?

A team of researchers at the Markham Stouffville Hospital will begin studying the link between pet ownership and human health. The research is funded by the Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI). HABRI has provided $55,000 USD to Dr. Alan Monavvari to measure how pets factor into the doctor-patient relationship. Monavvari said, “There are several studies that show a good relationship with your primary care physician leads to better health.” When doctors are able to discuss pets with their patients it may allow doctors to evaluate their patients better.

Over 200 Canadian primary care practitioners will participate in the study. Practitioners include doctors, nurses, social workers, and psychologists. Each practitioner will ask the following questions:
  1. Who lives in your home including companion animals?
  2. How many, and what species?
Practitioners will complete surveys at the beginning and end of data collection. They will also be provided with support material during data collection.

Veterinarian and co-investigator, Dr. Kate Hodgson said, “They’re important questions because you’re actually asking about something I care about a lot. For patients with pets it might be the question you never asked before that really opens the door.” People are likely to share more information about their lives when their primary care practitioner shows an interest in what is important to the patient. Knowing more about the patient’s life also helps practitioners better tailor the approach they take with their patient. Dr. Hodgson said, “We now know that people who smoke are more likely to try to stop smoking to protect their pet. For some patients it’s by far the most powerful motivator you could tap into.”

Previous research has also shown that companion animals can lower human blood pressure, help people make healthier lifestyle choices, and owners have fewer medical appointments and faster recovery after surgeries. While there have been over 75 research studies published regarding the health benefits of pets, this is the first study to examine the relationship between patients and their pets.

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