23 January 2016

LEADERSHIP - What happens when IBM's Watson meets the Internet of Things

For the first time in history, IBM Chairman, President and CEO, Ginni Rometty delivered the 2016 Keynote Address at CES. Why would the world's leading digital technology company be invited to present to the world's largest consumer electronics show?

Because IBM's Watson and cognitive computing is now available to 'everyone' as the line between consumer and industrial/commercial technology blurs. 

The Consumer Electronics Show needed to show the cross-over between IOT (Internet of Things) and the impending 'cognitive' wave that is developing because of IBM's decision to make 'Watson' (intelligent cognitive computing) available to the public as an internet service.

Whether athletics, health, weather, airplanes or robotics, the cognitive power of Watson is already being leveraged for 'everyone' as well as for those who intend to 'serve everyone'. Cognitive computing is expected to add value to life and life's experiences. As Rometty herself observed, "The pace of cognitive development has accelerated beyond anything we expected or experienced in the past".

If you want to see how 'cognitive' computing will change your world or wish to have a glimpse of 'Next big Thing', watch this Keynote:

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